Sunday 16 September 2012

Day 8 - Goodbye Orillia and hello Algonquin Park.

We got up and ate breakfast, nothing like a hummus, guacamole, sliced tomato, cucumber wrap to start the day for you.

Packed up our gear and left the Highwayman Motel. We stopped at Zehrs Market for more fresh veggies and fruit and some hot chocolate packets.  According to Lucy the subaru it is 65 degrees and breezy.

We went back to the St. Andrews and St. James cemetery and looked for the last two Brennan family members who had died in 1981 and 2011.  Found their stones and photographed them and found another stone that is shaped like a book. Very cool looking.

We then went back to the Leef plots because there is a stone next to them that has some intriguing lettering that has fallen off.  It is called Lead Lettering.

Here is a link about Lead Lettering for you to read:

We also found a Church memorial where one side was Lead Lettered but the otherside was not.  I’ll be adding them into Find A Grave, but not sure if they are related to us or not at this time.

We left the cemetery and headed North up route 11 to Huntsville, turned on to Highway 60 and headed into Algonquin Park.

We stopped at the west gate and bought daily permits for the park and moseyed our way through the park.  We saw a couple hawks soaring overhead, a chipmunk and a red squirrel raced across the road and that was it for wildlife.

We decided to drive out the Opeongo road to Opeongo Lake and found that the culvert at a favorite place of ours was replaced with a one lane bridge.  

We continued on out of the park and turned down Rt 127 towards Hay Lake Lodge.

We met Erin the owner in the driveway and she walked us over to cabin # 6 which will be our home for the next couple days.

We have a wonderful view of Hay Lake from our screened porch.  We sat out in the adirondack chairs by the lake and watched the sun set.

Below is a view from our cabin door.  It is so quiet and delightful here.

Found this morning that we have wi-fi at the cabin.


  1. What a lovely place you found, Linda. Just one thing -- you're in Canadia now. Those are Muskoka chairs!

  2. You are correct Sandra, I forgot that they would be Muskoka Chairs. LOL!
