Tuesday 18 September 2012

Day 11 - Heavy Rain, Wind and Fog -

We woke up at 7:15 a.m. and got dressed, washed dishes and waited for Erin to bring our lovely breakfast at 8:00.

Today’s menu was a hard boiled egg, a hot croissant, a pumpkin raisin homemade muffin, tomato juice, a yogurt, coffee.  Delicious as usual.

We chose to stay in the cabin today.  The skies opened up and it poured.  At times the wind drove the rain a little sideways.

I checked the weather for the Whitney area and it was supposed to rain all day (which it did) and tonight it is supposed to get down to 39 degrees.

The island in the front of this picture never mind the hill behind it were not visible most of the day due to the rain we had.

(I just had a little hot flash and stepped out on the porch, yep it is going to be darned cold tomorrow morning.)

I finished my book I had picked out of the bookcase in the cabin,  “People of the River” by Michael Gear and Kathleen O’Neal Gear.  It seemed like it was written similar to the way Jean Auel wrote her Mammoth Hunters books.  Lots more characters to keep track of.  I spent time as I read it trying to figure out who was who and what clan did they come from.  Even the next to the last page had me trying to figure out who a character was.

After putting the book back into the bookcase I decided that perhaps I could work on the Brennan family a bit.  I pulled up both my Ancestry info and the Find A Grave website and put in the stone for James M Brennan, his wife Jane Morris, his daughter Mary M A (Annie) Brennan and started working on his sons James Edgerton Brennan and Samuel Wesley Clark Brennan.

Most of the Brennan’s I met in Orillia or talked to or called are descended from Samuel Wesley Clark Brennan.

It feels good to have this connection to more of my ancestors.  There is just something comforting to realize we have history, we made history and we (you and I) will become someone’s history.  Yeesh I’m waxing poetic here or something.

My lineage to James M Brennan is as follows:

My Dad Lloyd Church
My Grandfather George Joel Church
My Great Grandfather James Turner Church
My Great, Great Grandfather Joel Vaughn Church who married Betsy Brennan.
James M. Brennan is one of her brothers.

Our internet connection up here in the wilds of Ontario is a  little slow, so I didn’t get many photos uploaded. 

However, I did spend some time perusing the census records and finding out that James Brennan was a Farmer in the Kitley, Leeds, Ontario area (where I am heading tomorrow) and after marrying his first wife Jane Morris, moved to Orillia and was a farmer for two more census years, then he became an Agricultural Implements Dealer.

When he married his 2nd wife he continued to be an Implements Dealer and the last census I see him in is 1911 he is still an Implement Dealer.

I’m hoping the 1921 census for Canada will come out some time next year or the following one so I can find out more information about the relatives.

Tomorrow morning we’ll pack up the cabin and leave the Algonquin Park area and head down to Brockville, Ontario.  
Before we leave we want to chat with Erin about making a reservation for next September for close to two weeks.

I’m looking forward to finding James Turner Church’s youngest half brother Charles Church’s grave along with his wife Mary Helena Coad.  There is also an opportunity to find Joel V Church’s half sister Elizabeth Church. There are other Church family members I will be looking for in different cemeteries as well as any Brennans, Knapps, Guernsey, DeWolfe family names.  You just never know when that gravestone picture you took on the fly because it was a family name was really your two greats grand uncle and you didn’t know it at the time you took the shot.

Lets see what tomorrow brings... have a good night all.

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