Thursday 20 September 2012

Day 13 - Athens, Delta, Route 42 and Cemeteries

We woke up at 8:00 a.m. and had hemp granola and soy milk for breakfast and some coffee from the Complimentary Breakfast that was truly weak.  Guess we like pirate coffee, the kind that makes cousins say, “ARG!” when they take a sip. Okay not an Erin breakfast, but it was tasty.

We left the room and headed up route 29 then out route 42 towards Glen Elbe.  We stopped first at the Glen Elbe Cemetery.  I am looking for Hannah Jane Church and her husband Samuel Brown, (she is a 1st cousin 3 times removed - daughter of Levi Selah Church).  We found her, her husband, her in-laws, and several children all on one stone.

I also wanted to find Phoebe C. Brown wife of A. Howard Church and her parents.  Alpheus Howard Church is also a 1st cousin 3 times removed, also a child of Levi Selah Church.  I found his wife and her parents on the same stone.

Next was Frederick Wyatt Scovil and his wife Fannie Wood Layng. He is a 1st cousin 4 times removed.  We found him, her and about 6 other Layng family members.

We left Glen Elbe which is a relatively flat cemetery and headed into Athens, Ontario.  Behind the Baptist church is the Athens-Hillside Cemetery.  Here we were looking for Caroline Amelia Monroe Church’s parents Chittenden Taplin Monroe and Prudence Wiltse.  Caroline is my 2 greats Aunt married to Uri Nelson Church.

This Cemetery is on quite a hill and goes almost the full length of the hill.

If you look at the middle of the picture there is a sign.  Here is what it says:

So apparently someone thought this was a decent hill for tobogganing on at some point.

So while we were searching for the Monroe stone, we found several Knapp family stones that I photographed. Also found,  Brock DeWolfe who is a first cousin 4 times removed and several wives of Brock’s whom I didn’t know about.

Sometimes, if the monument is sturdy and the search light holder is agile, a person needs to do wild things to light up the stone.  My helper is very dedicated to getting just the right light to read a stone that is very faint.

We finally found the Monroe’s at the top of the hill, took their photos and wrote the information down and headed back to the car. 

When we were here several years ago, we had found Dorman DeWolf and his wife Clarra Hoggaboom, so I stopped to say hello to my 3greats uncle Dorman and Clarra.  Next time through we’ll stop and dig the grass away from the both of them as they lay flat on the ground.  

We then headed out route 42 headed to Halladay Burial Grounds in Elgin, Ontario.  As we drove by a house and field we realized that the fence had an line of old rusting bicycles along it.  We had to turn back and take some photos.

We kept driving out route 42 and saw a lovely hay field with round bales, so of course we had to turn around and get some shots of it as well.

We turned back around to continue to head to Elgin and happened upon a Huge solar array of panels on the roofs of different buildings at this one farm.  We stopped to take the photo as well.

We got to Halladay Burial Ground and found it was a large cemetery.  We began searching for Eliza Church Hill and her son Albert.  She is my 2 greats Aunt.  She is the daughter of Jonathan Mills Church and his first wife Laura Brown.  (He married Claramanda DeWolfe 2nd whom I am descended from).

Kudos to Kirsten for being able to read the stone.  It was extremely difficult to read even with the Spot Light.

I am concerned that her stone looks like it is getting ready to either crack and fall over or just plain fall over.

We started to head for Lilies Baptist Cemetery to find another Church relative, but couldn’t find the name of the town in the atlas.  My map on my iPhone wasn’t working either.  We were tired and decided to head back to Brockville.

On the way back we decided to treat ourselves to a supper out.  Boston Pizza is a favorite place for us in Brockville.
So we stopped, got a HUGE caesar salad which Kirsten and I shared, then we each got pizza.  Kirsten ordered a mediterranean pizza and I ordered a “special” onion, mushroom, with roasted corn, tomato and peppers on top.  Delicious and now we have some to bring back to the motel for either eightsies or ninesies  tonight or cold for breakfast tomorrow.  The crust of these pizzas is a multigraine which tastes wonderful.

So, I found a lot of the people I wanted to find, trudged a lot of cemeteries and I am tired.  Have a little more homework to do tonight for the Lillies Baptist Cemetery and trying to figure out where it is as well as getting my thoughts together for visiting the Ontario Genealogical Society tomorrow afternoon.

So, as they would say in Italy if we were there,
Buona notte a tutti  - translated means, good night everyone.


  1. You guys are sort of terrors of the graveyards between your hole digging and stone raising and spotlights and such. Why I bet a few of those poor souls were turning over in their graves....

    I esp like the photo of the bikes leaning along that fence.

  2. If you could have seen the face of the fella at Lillies Baptist, all he could do was keep staring at the hole, but I at least got dates which is what I wanted. LOL!

    The bike fence was pretty amazing.
